I just saw a protestor screamjng, “Hands off my Medicare1”. OK I quess we can chalk that up to failures in our education system. At least FDR hid the Social Security Fraud as a type of insurance product in which your “contribution” was used to fund your retirement. Until they had to tell the truth and admit before the Supreme Court that it was just another tax (Heverling v. Davis 1937) and did not convey rights to the taxpayer.

Medicare was never sold to the public that way. It was promoted as our obligation to the elderly and funded by a payroll tax. Thus it became a direct transfer from the working to the retired. I would suggest that Medicare taxes should be sequestered in a separate fund that funds only Medicare . If it runs low, adjust benefits or tax level. It will be highly inteesting to see how much the children of the “Baby Boomer” will be willing to pay for their parents.

Hey maybe we can get a bunch of illegal aliens paying into the system to balance it oyt. /sarc

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