I had thought they were extinct!!! I guess just on the endangered species list.

Rep. Louie Gohmert calls ’em like he sees ’em and has a clear view of those traitorous go along to get along scum that have infected the Republican party since before George Wallace said (and echoed by Ross Perot, as well as Ralph Nader), “There’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the Republicans and Democrats.” Nearly all professional politicians are so enamoured by their status of faux nobility the assume “the divine right of kings” and think more as rulers than servants, thus the poll that shows 60% of their “subjects want to throw ever last one of them out! There wasn’t that much popular support for neither the French nor the Russian revolutions.

I love the reference to RomneyCare but wished he the other “it’s my turn” media darling, aisle-crossing, self centered demopublican that preceded Romney in the “I can be a Dhimmicreten, too!” presidential election sweepstakes.

Gohmert Talks to Fox News About Shutdown Updates – YouTube.

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