Archive for the ‘looters’ Category

The Devil is in the details. In general I could agree with Ogabe’s plan tonight, BUT the criminal background check he mentioned obviously must have holes you could take a herd of elephants through. DWIs are somewhat common and many negligent homicides are concurrent, tax evasion is a felony and again common border jumping or visa overstaying is also criminal illegalities. So how is that going to be handled? Will we go back to requiring TOEFL? What about welfare and tax fraud? If we require payment of back taxes will they even come forward? In general I would be able to support five year residents a path to citizenship, if they have clean criminal records (no arrests other than citizenship ones or very minor civil infractions, welfare or voter fraud & DWI are dealbreakers), agree to a full tax audit and set up a payment plan just as citizens do and pass TOEFL (hell, I’ll even teach a few courses) within six months,

The problem is are we going to punish those who are waiting for a legal chance, while ignoring the criminal actions of those that didn’t even apply to come legally? What about the Hb1 visas for skilled immigrants? I find it hilarious that we have to look for computer science majors overseas because our miseducation system cannot produce enough because our elementary and secondary education systems have been taken over by members of the National Socialist American Unionist Party who discourage excellence because they don’t understand or recognize behavior that doesn’t replicate their myrmidon tendencies.

For more on the H1b travesty read this.


The oil production platform at the Sakhalin-I field in Russia,


Poor lefties try as they might, their excuses for US citizens to sublimate their lifestyle and Independence for the sake of hoaxes made up from whole cloth keeps running afoul of the truth and they wear themselves out trying to keep up playing Whack-a-Mole as actual inconvenient (to them) truths become obvious. Peak oil is still taught @ gummint (sic) indoctrination centers that get rich off gummint loans given to maleducated teenagers promising to expand their maleducation. I keep wanting to tour colleges and shout at the “Liberal Arts” majors, “It’s a cookbook!” (see here

Peak oil has been a hoax that has been around since the ’50s and was sold on the ridiculous claim taught to my generation that oil was pressed dinosaur. Well if you’ve paid any attention to anything resembling actual science (you know that actually talks about proof?), you will have noticed that the Russians have proven their abiotic theory of oil years ago, and that has led them to this: (Please read far enough to learn the estimated size of this pool of pressed dinosaur rivals the Gulf of Mexico)

It appears she was ready for the typical CAIR question that translates as, “Shut up about Muslim atrocities”.


Throughout the history of the world, the average person on earth has been extremely poor: subsisting on the modern equivalent of $3 per day. This was true until 1800, at which point average wages—and standards of living—began to rise dramatically. Prof. Deirdre McCloskey explains how this tremendous increase in wealth came about. In the past 30 years alone, the number of people in the world living on less than $3 per day has been halved. The cause of the economic growth we have witnessed in the past 200 years may surprise you. It’s not exploitation, or investment. Innovation—new ideas, new inventions, materials, machinery, organizational structures—has fueled this economic boom. Prof. McCloskey explains how changes in Holland and England in the 1600s and 1700s opened the door for innovation to take off—starting the growth that continues to benefit us today.

via Why Does 1% of History Have 99% of the Wealth? | Learn Liberty – YouTube.

Author Sara Carter joins Andrew Wilkow to discuss Obama’s alarming purge of top military commanders.


Who, or what, is behind the “purge” of top-level U.S. military officers during the Obama administration, with estimates of the number of senior officers fired during the last five years edging toward 200.

According to Retired Army Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely, formerly the deputy commanding general of the Pacific Command, who has served as a Fox News senior military analyst , a good part of the blame belongs to Obama’s close adviser, Valerie Jarrett. Rampant “political correctness” due to her influence is now permeating the military and negatively affecting everyone from top generals to the ranks of the enlisted.

via U.S. General: Obama’s Military Purge ‘Criminal And Treasonous’ – YouTube.


As technological developments increased farm yields over the last two centuries, the share of the US population employed in agriculture fell from around 90 percent to around 2 percent.

The lay American public supposes that when workers lose their jobs, we become worse off — they suffer from what economist Bryan Caplan calls the ‘make-work’ bias. But would anyone prefer to live in a society in which many went hungry and no one enjoyed the wealth, financial security, job growth, and innovation created as all those workers lost their farm jobs?

Follow Caplan, author of The Myth of the Rational Voter, as he explains the gap between the public’s opinion and the economist’s facts. In this video, Caplan talks about the merits and demerits of ‘making work’ – instead of letting individuals find work.

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Frederic Bastiat contends that to aim to increase the proportion of effort to output is to imitate Sisyphus in his hopeless attempt to move a stone up a hill:…

Daniel J. Mitchell explains the fallacy that government creates jobs:…

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via Make Progress, Not Work | Econ Chronicles | Learn Liberty – YouTube.

The environmental agenda has been infected by extremism—it’s become an economic suicide pact. And we’re here to challenge it. On Earth Day, visit

We all know why the Watermelons (Green outside, red inside) want America to fail. A failed state is ripe for totalitarian takeover. Just ask the Germans, the Russians, the Chinese, the Cubans, the Venezuelans, the Vietnamese, the Rhodesians (if you can find any), soon the Argentinians. and on and on and on.


And to remind you of how long the Watermelon totalitarians and their media accomplices have been working on this:
From Newsweak (sic) April, 28, 1975

Click here for your full size pdf.

“Legal encapsulation is not effectively possible,” declares Cody Wilson of Defense Distributed, makers of the world’s first gun made via 3D printing technology. “So it’s fun to kind of challenge the state to greater and greater levels of its own hyper-statism.”

Last year, Wilson and crew unveiled The Liberator, a plastic pistol they created on a 3D printer that fired a shot heard around the world. Then they put the 3D-printing files (or CADs) up on the Internet for free. To folks interested in cutting-edge technology and decentralized experiments in living, Wilson’s gun symbolized an age of uncontrollable freedom. To lawmakers, it symbolized a threat that moved faster than, well, a speeding bullet. The State Department, in fact, shut down Defense Distributed’s ability to disseminate the gun files on the Internet, claiming the nonprofit was violating federal rules about exporting munitions.

A self-declared crypto-anarchist, the 26-year-old Wilson is fighting the situation in court—and relishing every minute of his battle with the government.

While he’s aggressively challenging restrictions on 3D-printed guns, Wilson is also working on an innovative Bitcoin project called Dark Wallet, which would further anonymize financial transactions on the Web, and a book intended to inspire a new generation of digital libertarians.

Reason TV’s Todd Krainin sat down with Wilson at the SXSW festival in Austin, Texas.

via Cody Wilson: Happiness is a 3-D Printed Gun – YouTube.

Part One: Taking Fame and Casting Blame

Zo examines a liberal meme that blames conservatives and credits liberals for a list of policies and issues in American history.

Zo also points to the cowardice of democrats trying to throw people off the scent of their rotten history by trying to switch labels to stigmatize conservatives. Are you going to let democrats twist and paint what conservatism is?

Part Two: Switching Labels and Telling Fables

Zo continues with his examination of a liberal meme that blames conservatives and credits liberals for a list of policies and issues in American history.

Zo further points out the cowardice of democrats trying to This is part 3 of 4 of Zo’s examination of a liberal meme that blames conservatives and credits liberals for a list of policies and issues in American history. Zo also points out more of the cowardice of democrats trying to throw people off the scent of their rotten history by trying to switch labels to stigmatize conservatives. Are you going to let democrats twist and paint what conservatism is? Here more in this ZoNation!throw people off the scent of their rotten history, by trying to switch labels to stigmatize conservatives.

Are you going to let democrats twist and paint what conservatismis? Here more in this ZoNation!

Part Three: It’s the Republicans Fault That Democrats Oppress You

This is part 3 of 4 of Zo’s examination of a liberal meme that blames conservatives and credits liberals for a list of policies and issues in American history. Zo also points out more of the cowardice of democrats trying to throw people off the scent of their rotten history by trying to switch labels to stigmatize conservatives. Are you going to let democrats twist and paint what conservatism is? Here more in this ZoNation!

Part Four: ‘Hey Democrats–I Can Still See You Behind You Label Switching

Zo wraps up his examination of a liberal meme that is as close as Zo wants to get to a colonoscopy (considering how full of crap this meme is). Its a meme that blames conservatives and credits liberals for a list of policies and issues in American history. Zo also points the cowardice of democrats trying to throw people off the scent of their rotten history by trying to switch labels to stigmatize conservatives. Are you going to let democrats twist and paint what conservatism is? Here more in this ZoNation!

Experience the creative energy and conservative insight that Zo delivers in every show. Click here to buy the ZoNation Complete Series Collection:

Trying to write off that red wedding this year? As tax day approaches April 15, 2014, nobody’s more upset about paying their debts than those playing the Game of Thrones. One thing is for sure: All men must pay. For more on taxes, check out articles at

via Tax Day is Coming: Game of Thrones Edition – YouTube.