#FixItFail: Just Another Obamacare Lie

Posted: May 20, 2014 in #OccupyWallStreet, #OWS, administration, Agencies, agenda, agents, democrat, democrats, depression, dhimmicretins, DOJ, Energy Prevention Agency, IRS

Another lie is the bailout of the insurance companies. The way it is being played is for the populace to be against it so that the dhimmicretina can say “the people don’t want it”. Then they can refuse to honor their commitment and bankrupt the insurance companies so there will be no alternatives to government run plans. Of course the death of the insurance companies will hurt a lot of 401(k) plans and move employees to be government union members.


The same people said you can keep your plan are saying they’ll fix Obamacare. They won’t.

via #FixItFail: Just Another Obamacare Lie – YouTube.

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