Archive for August, 2012

I am amused by all the misdirection about a simple statement.

The quote was:

“Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

8th grade English demands that in a sentence you must make pronouns agree in person and number with their antecedents.

Had he said “those”, it would be obvious he was talking about “roads and bridges” because you would go back TO THE LAST ANTECEDENT prior to the pronoun that agrees in number. “That”,  however is singular and the immediately preceding singular noun is “business”. You have to go back another sentence to find another singular antecedent.

If the people that were trying to put it “into context” would simply attribute a grammatical mistake and say, “He meant ‘those’ instead of ‘that'”, they would me much better off. Of course that would meant that their “acclaimed orator” and Harvard educated Law Professor misspoke a simple sentence and that would be “racist”.

The problem is that they understood that he said exactly what he meant, and the misdirection, instead of saying it was a common (among the less educated) grammatical mistake,proves that they understood it that way  and are covering.

Kinda sorta reminiscent of “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is” ain’t it?


All nine people wounded during a dramatic confrontation between police and a gunman outside the Empire State Building were struck by bullets fired by the two officers, police said Saturday, citing ballistics evidence.

Officer Craig Matthews shot seven times. Officer Robert Sinishtaj fired nine times, police said. Neither had ever fired their weapons before on a patrol.

The volley of gunfire felled Johnson in just a few seconds and left nine other people bleeding on the sidewalk.

I spent a good chunk of my life growing up in a town that could pass for Mayberry, hunting by 11, high school and college rifle team, completed the AMTU course (the predecessor to the Sniper School and the AMU) at Ft Benning, lugged an M21 around for eight years, and after the military spent five years in the NOPD reserve and competing in IPSC. Ron White’s spiel above is being vary generous, most metro police would be considered incompetent in any fair evaluation of their firearm skills.

I grew up with a Grandmother that used the phrase “The truth will out” often enough, with enough proof over time that I came to accept it as a truism. Some say she also turned me into somewhat of a cynic, but now that the TV show “Grimm” has come out, I have come to accept I’m not a cynic just a regular ol’ Grimm.

I love the “New Media” that catches the things that the legacy media tries not to report. Here we have union leader Mike Golash “outing” himself as a communist and stating, “Progressive labor is a revolutionary communist organization.”  “From the horse’s mouth(ass)” so to speak.

Former Amalgamated Transit Union local 689 president Mike Golash, now an “Occupy” movement organizer, was caught on tape Sunday revealing his political goals: overthrowing capitalism in the United States and instituting a communist government.

“Progressive labor is a revolutionary communist organization,” Golash said during an Occupy DC “People’s Assembly” on August 19.

“Its objective,” he added, “is to make revolution in the United States, overthrow the capitalist system and build communism.”

Golash said he and his comrades are “trying to learn something from the historical revolutions of the past: the Russian revolution, the Chinese revolution, the revolutions in Cuba and Eastern Europe.”

“What can we learn from them so we can build a more successful movement to transform capitalist society?”

Danielle Saul, Nick Tomboulides, and Andrew McCaughey record radical remarks made at DC Occupy meeting.

via God Bless The Occupy Movement? – YouTube.

Here are the political/governmental poor decisions that led to the crash

Here’s How The Community Reinvestment Act Led To The Housing Bubble’s Lax Lending

The secularization of these, required by CRA, poison pill mortgages (needed to mitigate the banks’ risk incurred by making them) coupled with the repeal (1999) of the Glass Steagall Act made the crash almost inevitable. Both of these truly horrible decisions were made by politicians for “the greater good” of their constituents, either donors or stupid voters.

The Repeal Of The Glass Steagall Act and Its Contribution To The 2008/2009 Economic Crisis

The idiotic “derivatives” that were invented to shift more of the risk to investors and the “credit default swaps” designed to insure the investors in these instruments were actively encouraged by the SEC, which is a government agency charged with protecting the public not the banks.

Testimony of Annette L. Nazareth, Director Division of Market Regulation February 10, 2000

Certain Politicians who claimed responsibility for the CRA kept insisting that everything was working perfectly well while the system was snowballing down the hill.

Barney Frank and Chuck Schumer’s Role the Fannie Mae Failure

Rep. Barney Frank Admits to Helping Ex-Lover Land Job at Freddy Mac

Others were siding with the biggest bundler trying to capture control of the sub-prime market.

Dodd and Countrywide –

After the bust, the perpetraitors (sic) used it to turn on the small banks in order to protect the larger banks that had gambled and lost at the politicians urgings and assurances by constructing a huge barrier to entrance for new banks and onerous, costly reporting requirements the cost of which will cause many small banks to close. That will lead to larger banks being free to charge higher fees resulting in larger campaign donations or favors.

Dodd-Frank: 26,353 paper-pushers

Dodd-Frank helps big banks at expense of small ones …

 Now, I told you, that to tell you this,

The problem is that the politicians forced bad loan origination on the banks in a ponzi like quota system and paid some Clintoonite bureaucrats some fantastic bonuses to flood Fannie Mae with bad loans.

Jamie Gorelick served as vice chairman of the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) when the government-sponsored enterprise began bundling subprime loans into securitized financial instruments. Her compensation was a salary of a little over $500,000 and $26,000,000 in bonuses. But Gorelick is perhaps best known for her 1995 memo, written when she was deputy attorney general for Clinton, that later became known as “Gorelick’s Wall,” a policy prescription limiting the flow of information between intelligence gatherers and criminal investigators that some believe helped allow the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center to go unchallenged. (And often alleged to keep the FBI from learning what the CIA knew about Clintoon’s missile technology dealings with the Chinese.)

Franklin Raines the former chairman and chief executive officer of Fannie Mae, who served as White House budget director under President Bill Clinton. His Compensation was $700k salary, $50 million bonuses. He was specifically named in the Securities Exchange Commission’s lawsuit against Fannie Mae and settled for by paying the SEC $24.7 million, so he wound up in about the same financial position as the other Clintoonite.

Obama says he will do the same thing to other industries he did to the auto industry. So taxpayers will get fleeced, bondholders will get screwed and unions will get paid off. Oh joy, the communist Chinese model is coming to America!

Now can we call him a Marxist?

via Elephant in the Room ep. 3- Crony Capitalist in Chief – YouTube.

The Tea Party troublemakers of Trifecta discuss a crazy proposal by a former army Colonel to quell a Tea Party insurrection. Is the Tea Party really a military threat? Will this movement embrace lawlessness like Occupy Wall Street? Find out on this Trifecta.

via Live Tea or Die? Is the US Military Preparing To Quell the Tea Party? – YouTube.

Cato Institute director of health policy studies Michael F. Cannon discusses the IRS’s attempt to enforce key provisions of ObamaCare without statutory authority.

via ObamaCare Exchanges and the IRS (Michael F.Cannon at the House Oversight Committee) – YouTube.


I don’t often reference the New york Times, but you need to read this first:

Bleak Portrait of Poverty Is Off the Mark, Experts Say

Sounds like a more accurate and truthful way to do the measuring, right?
Now read this from the census Bureau:

Update on the Supplemental Poverty Measure

Now answer the question:

Who benefits by quoting overstated poverty numbers?


Bradley effect – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Another Day, Another Democrat-Heavy Poll Sample

Poll Farce: Pew Oversamples Democrats to Boost Obama

Tainted Polls? Pew Oversamples Democrats To Boost Obama

Why Charges of Poll ‘Oversampling’ Are Usually Misguided –  New York Times

Quinnipiac Polling’s Peter Brown Tries To Defend Oversampling

Tainted Polls? Pew Oversamples Democrats To Boost Obama

Pew uses D+19 sample

Gallup and Rasmussen are the only 2 polls not oversampling

Partisan Trends in Party Affiliation- Rasmussen Reports™



I’m not being insulting, most people are not wolves nor sheepdogs, for an explanation see the second video. My instinct as a protector led to a career in the military, regretfully cut short, and I avoid gun-free free-fire-for-predator zones whenever it is possible. I think of the sailor that wanted to become a SEAL dying doing the only thing he could do to protect his girl. Of course the sheep have disarmed our military even on their bases due to years of fear over a conscripted  slave military and the sheep’s fear of sheepdogs, witness the Ft. Hood massacre. I was always amused to see European soldiers on civilian trains with their weapons while American soldiers were not allowed to do the same. Even in military convoys, Americans never had ammunition on their persons and ofttimes the weapons were locked up also.

Do you ever wonder why the occupants of Mordor on the Potomac (D.C.)  are so intent on disarming the American Populace? I do, and it leads to some scary thoughts.


RUN. HIDE. FIGHT. Surviving an Active Shooter Event – English – YouTube.


The Sheepdogs by Russ Vaughn – YouTube.


The full essay by LTC  Dave Grossman that was the basis for the poem in the second video may be found here:

On Sheep, Wolves and Sheepdogs