Archive for the ‘administration’ Category

thecrowd          propaganda

in order to understand the language used by those that aspire to rule over you. In 1895 Gustav Le Bon wrote “The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind” and in 1928 Edward Bernays (Sigmund Freud’s “Nephew from Hell”) wrote “Propaganda” (a book highly praised by Heinrich Himmler in the course of his political career).

Since their publication these two books have been he blueprint for politicians of all stripes to trip your triggers for improbable, impossible, illogical statements, sloganeering and chants with no meaningful definitions and stupid buttons and bumper stickers.

Do you wan to really understand these parasites that feed on the taxpayer? Or are you too lazy, uncaring, or too blasé to give a rat’s rump?

If you care click on the book cover images, they are linked to websites that list the FREE public domain editions of these books for your erader or computer. Then go refill your tranquilizer proscription and start reading. Then join a run on torch and pitchfork sales.

The Devil is in the details. In general I could agree with Ogabe’s plan tonight, BUT the criminal background check he mentioned obviously must have holes you could take a herd of elephants through. DWIs are somewhat common and many negligent homicides are concurrent, tax evasion is a felony and again common border jumping or visa overstaying is also criminal illegalities. So how is that going to be handled? Will we go back to requiring TOEFL? What about welfare and tax fraud? If we require payment of back taxes will they even come forward? In general I would be able to support five year residents a path to citizenship, if they have clean criminal records (no arrests other than citizenship ones or very minor civil infractions, welfare or voter fraud & DWI are dealbreakers), agree to a full tax audit and set up a payment plan just as citizens do and pass TOEFL (hell, I’ll even teach a few courses) within six months,

The problem is are we going to punish those who are waiting for a legal chance, while ignoring the criminal actions of those that didn’t even apply to come legally? What about the Hb1 visas for skilled immigrants? I find it hilarious that we have to look for computer science majors overseas because our miseducation system cannot produce enough because our elementary and secondary education systems have been taken over by members of the National Socialist American Unionist Party who discourage excellence because they don’t understand or recognize behavior that doesn’t replicate their myrmidon tendencies.

For more on the H1b travesty read this.

Another lie is the bailout of the insurance companies. The way it is being played is for the populace to be against it so that the dhimmicretina can say “the people don’t want it”. Then they can refuse to honor their commitment and bankrupt the insurance companies so there will be no alternatives to government run plans. Of course the death of the insurance companies will hurt a lot of 401(k) plans and move employees to be government union members.

The same people said you can keep your plan are saying they’ll fix Obamacare. They won’t.

via #FixItFail: Just Another Obamacare Lie – YouTube.

The environmental agenda has been infected by extremism—it’s become an economic suicide pact. And we’re here to challenge it. On Earth Day, visit

We all know why the Watermelons (Green outside, red inside) want America to fail. A failed state is ripe for totalitarian takeover. Just ask the Germans, the Russians, the Chinese, the Cubans, the Venezuelans, the Vietnamese, the Rhodesians (if you can find any), soon the Argentinians. and on and on and on.


And to remind you of how long the Watermelon totalitarians and their media accomplices have been working on this:
From Newsweak (sic) April, 28, 1975

Click here for your full size pdf.

Part One: Taking Fame and Casting Blame

Zo examines a liberal meme that blames conservatives and credits liberals for a list of policies and issues in American history.

Zo also points to the cowardice of democrats trying to throw people off the scent of their rotten history by trying to switch labels to stigmatize conservatives. Are you going to let democrats twist and paint what conservatism is?

Part Two: Switching Labels and Telling Fables

Zo continues with his examination of a liberal meme that blames conservatives and credits liberals for a list of policies and issues in American history.

Zo further points out the cowardice of democrats trying to This is part 3 of 4 of Zo’s examination of a liberal meme that blames conservatives and credits liberals for a list of policies and issues in American history. Zo also points out more of the cowardice of democrats trying to throw people off the scent of their rotten history by trying to switch labels to stigmatize conservatives. Are you going to let democrats twist and paint what conservatism is? Here more in this ZoNation!throw people off the scent of their rotten history, by trying to switch labels to stigmatize conservatives.

Are you going to let democrats twist and paint what conservatismis? Here more in this ZoNation!

Part Three: It’s the Republicans Fault That Democrats Oppress You

This is part 3 of 4 of Zo’s examination of a liberal meme that blames conservatives and credits liberals for a list of policies and issues in American history. Zo also points out more of the cowardice of democrats trying to throw people off the scent of their rotten history by trying to switch labels to stigmatize conservatives. Are you going to let democrats twist and paint what conservatism is? Here more in this ZoNation!

Part Four: ‘Hey Democrats–I Can Still See You Behind You Label Switching

Zo wraps up his examination of a liberal meme that is as close as Zo wants to get to a colonoscopy (considering how full of crap this meme is). Its a meme that blames conservatives and credits liberals for a list of policies and issues in American history. Zo also points the cowardice of democrats trying to throw people off the scent of their rotten history by trying to switch labels to stigmatize conservatives. Are you going to let democrats twist and paint what conservatism is? Here more in this ZoNation!

Experience the creative energy and conservative insight that Zo delivers in every show. Click here to buy the ZoNation Complete Series Collection:

Trying to write off that red wedding this year? As tax day approaches April 15, 2014, nobody’s more upset about paying their debts than those playing the Game of Thrones. One thing is for sure: All men must pay. For more on taxes, check out articles at

via Tax Day is Coming: Game of Thrones Edition – YouTube.

Hopefully this awareness will herald the beginning of the end of the malignant growth of “The Administrators”. A cancerous curse growing at the expense of the students. See: Administrators Ate My Tuition

“It’s kind of a weird thing that’s happened with American society—this idea that you have to have a college degree to be a respectable member of the middle class,” says Glenn Reynolds, professor of law at the University of Tennessee and purveyor of the popular Instapundit blog. Reynolds’ latest work, The New School: How the Information Age Will Save American Education From Itself, looks at the higher education bubble and how parents, students, and educators can remake the education system. Reynolds sat down with Reason TV’s Alexis Garcia to discuss why Americans are spending more for a college education and how students are responding to increasing tuition costs. “Given how expensive it is to go to college, there has to be a return sufficient to make it worth the time and especially the money,” Reynolds states. “You’re seeing declining enrollment in some schools and you’re seeing much more price resistance on the part of both parents and students.”The discussion also includes Reynolds’ take on school choice, the upcoming elections, the current state of the blogosphere, and whether or not both political parties are necessary. Nearly a decade after Reynolds published An Army of Davids: How Markets and Technology Empower Ordinary People to Beat Big Media, Big Government, and Other Goliaths, the blogfather still remains optimistic about technology’s ability to empower the individual and inspire grassroots movements.

via Glenn Reynolds on the Future of Higher Education & How Kids are Getting Wise to Student Loan Debt – YouTube.

This is the sort of idiocy that has given us the new aristocracy of capitol hill “royalty”.

The powers of this self-expanded royalty have their powers limited by the constitution, the result is we no longer teach the constitution to school children. No such things as civics and history only the amaphorous “Social Studies”. The Post Office is specifically authorized by the constitution but has been privatized because of “public sector” unionism, something that even the consummate socialist (he used to call mass-murderer Stalin “Uncle Joe”) FDR thought was an extremely bad idea, however however he didn’t forsee them becoming such an important funding mechanism for his party.

Remy updates the Alanis Morissette hit for a certain senior senator from California. Written by Remy. Video and animation by Meredith Bragg. Music performed, produced, recorded, mixed and mastered by Ben Karlstrom.Approximately 2 minutes.


A Senator lady

Got the news one day

The country’s being spied onby the NSA

So she went out defendingon each TV set

but when she found out she’d been snooped on

she got all upset

And isn’t it ironic?

I mean, don’t you think?It’s like you’re at Chris Brown’s

and there’s punch in the fridge

or if The Bachelor passed a geography quiz

Learning Ted Kennedy happened to be good at bridge.

And who would have thought? It figures. Senator, this may surprise youa nd the irony bites but Congresspeople ain’t the only ones

with 4th Amendment rights

It’s like a minimalist

who does their laundry with All

or if Woody Allen liked to watch Kids in the Hall

it’s like FDR got locked in a Honda Accord

a cheap healthcare plan that you just can’t afford

If Oscar Pistorius really hated The Doors

and who would have thought?

It figures. I heard the government is sneaking up on you.

Life has a funny, funny wayof calling you out, calling you out.

via Isn't it Ironic: Government Surveillance Version with Remy – YouTube.

The Department of Education operates a wide range of subsidy programs for elementary and secondary schools. The aid and related federal regulations have not generally lifted academic achievement. The department also subsidizes higher education through student loan programs. Unfortunately, that aid has fueled inflation in college tuition and is subject to widespread abuse.The department spent about $48 billion in 2013, or $400 for every U.S. household. It employs 4,300 workers and operates 153 different subsidy programs.

via ▶ Downsize the Department of Education – YouTube.