Archive for the ‘climaquiddick’ Category


The oil production platform at the Sakhalin-I field in Russia,


Poor lefties try as they might, their excuses for US citizens to sublimate their lifestyle and Independence for the sake of hoaxes made up from whole cloth keeps running afoul of the truth and they wear themselves out trying to keep up playing Whack-a-Mole as actual inconvenient (to them) truths become obvious. Peak oil is still taught @ gummint (sic) indoctrination centers that get rich off gummint loans given to maleducated teenagers promising to expand their maleducation. I keep wanting to tour colleges and shout at the “Liberal Arts” majors, “It’s a cookbook!” (see here

Peak oil has been a hoax that has been around since the ’50s and was sold on the ridiculous claim taught to my generation that oil was pressed dinosaur. Well if you’ve paid any attention to anything resembling actual science (you know that actually talks about proof?), you will have noticed that the Russians have proven their abiotic theory of oil years ago, and that has led them to this: (Please read far enough to learn the estimated size of this pool of pressed dinosaur rivals the Gulf of Mexico)

Consensus is nonsense in science. Proof is the only value and when I studied the scientific method the scientist had to release his/her data and methods (something Michael “the dog ate my homework” Mann resisted doing because of anticipated nit-picking) to be repeated and verified by others in order to be proven.

Every day, we are bombarded by attention grabbing headlines that promise miracle cures to all of our ailments — often backed up by a “scientific study.” But what are these studies, and how do we know if they are reliable? David H. Schwartz dissects two types of studies that scientists use, illuminating why you should always approach the claims with a critical eye.

Lesson by David H. Schwartz, animation by Augenblick Studios.

via Not all scientific studies are created equal – David H. Schwartz – YouTube.

The environmental agenda has been infected by extremism—it’s become an economic suicide pact. And we’re here to challenge it. On Earth Day, visit

We all know why the Watermelons (Green outside, red inside) want America to fail. A failed state is ripe for totalitarian takeover. Just ask the Germans, the Russians, the Chinese, the Cubans, the Venezuelans, the Vietnamese, the Rhodesians (if you can find any), soon the Argentinians. and on and on and on.


And to remind you of how long the Watermelon totalitarians and their media accomplices have been working on this:
From Newsweak (sic) April, 28, 1975

Click here for your full size pdf.

Part One: Taking Fame and Casting Blame

Zo examines a liberal meme that blames conservatives and credits liberals for a list of policies and issues in American history.

Zo also points to the cowardice of democrats trying to throw people off the scent of their rotten history by trying to switch labels to stigmatize conservatives. Are you going to let democrats twist and paint what conservatism is?

Part Two: Switching Labels and Telling Fables

Zo continues with his examination of a liberal meme that blames conservatives and credits liberals for a list of policies and issues in American history.

Zo further points out the cowardice of democrats trying to This is part 3 of 4 of Zo’s examination of a liberal meme that blames conservatives and credits liberals for a list of policies and issues in American history. Zo also points out more of the cowardice of democrats trying to throw people off the scent of their rotten history by trying to switch labels to stigmatize conservatives. Are you going to let democrats twist and paint what conservatism is? Here more in this ZoNation!throw people off the scent of their rotten history, by trying to switch labels to stigmatize conservatives.

Are you going to let democrats twist and paint what conservatismis? Here more in this ZoNation!

Part Three: It’s the Republicans Fault That Democrats Oppress You

This is part 3 of 4 of Zo’s examination of a liberal meme that blames conservatives and credits liberals for a list of policies and issues in American history. Zo also points out more of the cowardice of democrats trying to throw people off the scent of their rotten history by trying to switch labels to stigmatize conservatives. Are you going to let democrats twist and paint what conservatism is? Here more in this ZoNation!

Part Four: ‘Hey Democrats–I Can Still See You Behind You Label Switching

Zo wraps up his examination of a liberal meme that is as close as Zo wants to get to a colonoscopy (considering how full of crap this meme is). Its a meme that blames conservatives and credits liberals for a list of policies and issues in American history. Zo also points the cowardice of democrats trying to throw people off the scent of their rotten history by trying to switch labels to stigmatize conservatives. Are you going to let democrats twist and paint what conservatism is? Here more in this ZoNation!

Experience the creative energy and conservative insight that Zo delivers in every show. Click here to buy the ZoNation Complete Series Collection:

I picked this because he makes a point about how the “scientific method” used to work in that “failed predictions” mandated an adjustment of the theory. Of course a theory that empowers government to seize control of anything and do its vampire act on the wealth of its citizens can never ever be disproven” as far as said government is concerned

via Top 10 FAILED Global Warming Predictions.mp4 – YouTube.

“The climate is changing, but it’s not changing the way the climate change crowd predicted it would. Nature has made a mockery of global warming, so who are the real climate deniers?”

“The ice is not only growing in the Southg Pole, but also in the North Pole. And the coldest temperatures in decades have descended on North America.”

Global Cooling: Is an Ice Age Coming? – YouTube.

Assemblywoman Shannon Grove hosts Lord Christopher Monckton at California State University- Bakersfield. Lord Monckton shares why the Fallacies of Global Warming Theory are going to cost you so much.

via Lord Christopher Monckton presents "Fallacies about Global Warming". – YouTube.

Obama says he will do the same thing to other industries he did to the auto industry. So taxpayers will get fleeced, bondholders will get screwed and unions will get paid off. Oh joy, the communist Chinese model is coming to America!

Now can we call him a Marxist?

via Elephant in the Room ep. 3- Crony Capitalist in Chief – YouTube.

Senator Tom Coburn on the "Debt Bomb" – YouTube.

It has become obvious to even the casual observer that it is really about filling the trough for the PIGS (people in government (dis)Service)

Bill Whittle tells you why this is the greatest sentence ever written: “The love of theory is the root of all evil.” Whittle looks at the difference between fact and theory, and shows you the effects misguided theories have had on everything from warfare to climate science. Can Bill Whittle disprove global warming? What about Einstein’s theory of relativity? Find out.

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