Archive for the ‘carbon trading’ Category


The oil production platform at the Sakhalin-I field in Russia,


Poor lefties try as they might, their excuses for US citizens to sublimate their lifestyle and Independence for the sake of hoaxes made up from whole cloth keeps running afoul of the truth and they wear themselves out trying to keep up playing Whack-a-Mole as actual inconvenient (to them) truths become obvious. Peak oil is still taught @ gummint (sic) indoctrination centers that get rich off gummint loans given to maleducated teenagers promising to expand their maleducation. I keep wanting to tour colleges and shout at the “Liberal Arts” majors, “It’s a cookbook!” (see here

Peak oil has been a hoax that has been around since the ’50s and was sold on the ridiculous claim taught to my generation that oil was pressed dinosaur. Well if you’ve paid any attention to anything resembling actual science (you know that actually talks about proof?), you will have noticed that the Russians have proven their abiotic theory of oil years ago, and that has led them to this: (Please read far enough to learn the estimated size of this pool of pressed dinosaur rivals the Gulf of Mexico)

The environmental agenda has been infected by extremism—it’s become an economic suicide pact. And we’re here to challenge it. On Earth Day, visit

We all know why the Watermelons (Green outside, red inside) want America to fail. A failed state is ripe for totalitarian takeover. Just ask the Germans, the Russians, the Chinese, the Cubans, the Venezuelans, the Vietnamese, the Rhodesians (if you can find any), soon the Argentinians. and on and on and on.


And to remind you of how long the Watermelon totalitarians and their media accomplices have been working on this:
From Newsweak (sic) April, 28, 1975

Click here for your full size pdf.

Who knew H&R Block had joined the TEA Party?

The least known provision is that every household receives a monthly prebate (prepayment) that covers all the taxes that will be collected on the poverty level of the household.

The worst part is that it doesn’t demand that the sales receipt display how much of your money the porcine pols have plundered from your purse to pay their pals and pander to the polls.

via Get Your Billion Back, America : Stadium H&R Block || AdSick – YouTube.

We see the results of our oikophobic chief executive’s “shared dream” as Hollande has France circling the drain. Of course it may be the point, after all you need almost (if not total) dictatorial power in order to force people to submit in order to survive. N’est ce pas?

From RT, the Russian 24/7 English Language News Channel (They know a thing or two about collectivism)

As if the French President didn’t have enough on his mind this week over his alleged affair with an actress. There are domestic problems of a more official nature he’s got to answer for, if he’s to keep his new year’s resolution to revive the country’s debt-heavy, sluggish economy.

via Too Little Too Late? Hollande U-turns as France pays heavy price for sky-high taxes – YouTube.

Obama says he will do the same thing to other industries he did to the auto industry. So taxpayers will get fleeced, bondholders will get screwed and unions will get paid off. Oh joy, the communist Chinese model is coming to America!

Now can we call him a Marxist?

via Elephant in the Room ep. 3- Crony Capitalist in Chief – YouTube.

The environmental agenda has been infected by extremism—it’s become an economic suicide pact. And we’re here to challenge it. On Earth Day, visit

We all know why the Watermelons (Green outside, red inside) want America to fail. A failed state is ripe for totalitarian takeover. Just ask the Germans, the Russians, the Chinese, the Cubans, the Venezuelans, the Vietnamese, the Rhodesians (if you can find any), soon the Argentinians. and on and on and on

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And to remind you of how long the Watermelon totalitarians and their media accomplices have been working on this:
From Newsweak (sic) April, 28, 1975

Click here for your full size pdf.

Who is responsible for the current economic malaise? If you ask Bill Whittle, it’s Obama’s pals like David Axelrod, Harry Reid and Tim Geithner, some of the many Merchants of Despair. These merchants are costing taxpayers trillions and creating deep national divides based on class and race. Will the despair continue for another four years?

@rrroark on Twitter
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Author and radio host Mark Levin joins Glenn Reynolds to discuss the utopian dystopia. Levin wants to know why students are learning about utopian beliefs and not about great philosophers like John Locke? Do utopian visions depend invariably on a totalitarian government? Could Obama’s rainbow to paradise really deliver a tyrannical state? Find out.

The Progressive Nightmare & The Conservative Solution

Posted: August 20, 2011 in 2012, 2nd amendment, 4th Amendment, academics, administration, agenda, agents, airport, arguing with idiots, audit the Fed, austrian, bankrupting america, banning american flag, Barack Obama, Barney Frank, bearded marxist, bernanke, Bernie Madow, Big Ed, big government, bondholder ripoff, Border Patrol, broke usa, budget, busybodies, cap and tax, carbon trading, climaquiddick, climategate, Cloward Pivens, congress, conservatism, conservative, conservatives, constitution, corruption, currency devaluations, DEA, debt, decision points, declaration of independence, deficit, deficits, democrat, democratic, democrats, dhimmicretins, Drug War, easing, east anglia, economic, economic liberty, economics, economy, education reform, election, elite, elitism, elitist, employment, entitlement, environmentalism, ethnic, euro, european monetary union, F. A. Hayek, federal healthcare, federal reserve, federalist papers, firearms, freedom, friedman, general electric, gerrymandering, global warming, government motors, government spending, guantitative easing, gun control, Herman Cain, homeland security, idiots, illegal immigration, international debt, international economics, international monetary fund, ipcc, job killer, John Keynes, JournoList, justice department, justice fraud, Lame-Stream Media, left, leftist, liberal, liberal gene, liberals, libertarian, libertarianism, liberty, lies, looters, Media Malpractice, Michelle Bachmann, Mitt Romney, monetary policy, moochers, nanny state, napolitano, natural law, Neo-Libertarian, Newt Gingrich, Obama, Politically incorrect, propaganda, rational basis test, reason, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, Sarah Palin, Tim Pawlenty, weapons, Wesley Mouch, Zimbabwe School of Economics

The Progressive Nightmare

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The Conservative Solution

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From Newsweak (sic) April, 28, 1975

Click here for your full size pdf.