Archive for the ‘Media Malpractice’ Category

The environmental agenda has been infected by extremism—it’s become an economic suicide pact. And we’re here to challenge it. On Earth Day, visit

We all know why the Watermelons (Green outside, red inside) want America to fail. A failed state is ripe for totalitarian takeover. Just ask the Germans, the Russians, the Chinese, the Cubans, the Venezuelans, the Vietnamese, the Rhodesians (if you can find any), soon the Argentinians. and on and on and on.


And to remind you of how long the Watermelon totalitarians and their media accomplices have been working on this:
From Newsweak (sic) April, 28, 1975

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The environmental agenda has been infected by extremism—it’s become an economic suicide pact. And we’re here to challenge it. On Earth Day, visit

We all know why the Watermelons (Green outside, red inside) want America to fail. A failed state is ripe for totalitarian takeover. Just ask the Germans, the Russians, the Chinese, the Cubans, the Venezuelans, the Vietnamese, the Rhodesians (if you can find any), soon the Argentinians. and on and on and on

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And to remind you of how long the Watermelon totalitarians and their media accomplices have been working on this:
From Newsweak (sic) April, 28, 1975

Click here for your full size pdf.

Wanna bet?

Officials of the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt’s leading Islamic group, have called for the establishment of a Saudi-style modesty police to combat “immoral” behavior in public areas in what observers say in another sign of a growing Islamic self-confidence in the post-Mubarak era.

In the political sphere, the Brotherhood led a successful drive to get voters to approve a package of constitutional amendments. On the street level, at least 20 attacks were perpetrated against the tombs of Muslim mystics (suffis), who are the subject of popular veneration but disparaged by Islamic fundamentalists, or salafis. After some initial hesitation, Islamic leaders have publicly praised the revolution.

The rest:

I have been wondering about the seemingly incoherent policies propagating out of the District of Corruption and trying to develop a model of thinking and goals that would be consistent with the insanity. I have had to abandon any thought of citizen or taxpayer well-being or maintenance of American exceptionalism in order to come up with a somewhat consistent model.

The District of Corruption has become, in essence, a wholesale club sized Faculty Lounge that has developed a plan to run the country as a university focused on the welfare of the faculty over the students or the payers of the tuition.

First is the plan to get out of debt seems to be Quantitative Easing III, IV, V, VI, and however many more it takes to make all those outstanding Treasury Bills (and their interest obligations) worthless. The fact that it will impoverish the American citizenry is as Microsoft used to say, “not a bug, but a feature.” It will wipe out the rich as well as the successful and the thrifty, thus putting all citizens’ welfare in the hands of those best qualified to judge a persons worth (no not the free market, that is seen as cruel, unfair and idiotic to the insufficiently rewarded, it must be those with the wisdom of Solomon, the Tenured).

This destruction of the dollar not only gets us out of debt while punishing those so rude to have been more successful in the free market than the new masters, but also sets the stage for the resurgence of America as a “properly structured society.” In other words the serfs need to acknowledge their proper place in the presence of their accredited and credentialed betters.

That brings us to the master stroke. In claiming that the oil companies get a “tax incentive” by writing off business expenses such as depreciation, exploration, and the cost of failed production attempts (things that legitimate costs of doing business in every other business, just bigger numbers in the oil business), the stage is set for the DOE to revoke all leases and nationalize the oil fields. After the dollar has been destroyed and whether the new currency that purchases oil is a “basket of currencies” or the PetroBuck® the wealth in the oil fields of what was previously called the United States will be more than enough to support the proletariat in their virtual slavery while the masters party like Nero. Issuing decrees as the Gods from Olympus (you have to “properly guide” those serfs, dontcha know?).

In a world where conservatives are branded fascist for wanting more liberty and racist for wanting people to be treated equally, something must be done to stop them … right?

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Andrew Klavan reveals the strategy used to silence the criticism and ideas of conservative thinkers.


The Associated Press transmitted a photo from Haiti of Palin captioned, “Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, center, has her hair done during a visit to a cholera treatment center set up by the NGO Samaritan’s Purse in Cabaret, Haiti, Saturday Dec. 11, 2010. Palin arrived Saturday in Haiti as part of a brief humanitarian mission. Dieu Nalio Chery / AP”

This photo and caption set off rabid attacks on Palin from the Huffington Post, the U.K.’s Daily Mail and, of course, Palingates.

However, one can observe that the woman is white, with her brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, wearing a white shirt with a bulky scarf and dark pants.

In other photos from Saturday, Todd and Sarah Palin’s white, brunette, eldest daughter Bristol, who accompanied her parents on the trip to Haiti, is wearing the exact same clothing and ponytail as the “hair stylist” in the AP photo.

The AP photographer who sent the caption would have known that it was Bristol Palin, but by not mentioning her the AP was able to do a media hit on Palin but still be able to claim they told the “truth” with the caption.

So the story is, a daughter helps fix a loose strand of her mother’s hair, and it becomes an international scandal. Amazing. But, what we have come to expect from the Progressive Media. My Grandmother had a saying, “They’d lie even if the truth fit better.”

Of course the Progressive media, much like Bernie Madoff, assumes you’re lazy and won’t fact-check them. Meanwhile their allies, Progressive Politicians, are trying to abridge your ability to do so.