Archive for the ‘barack obama’ Category

President Obama’s latest jobs speech was like watching the rerun of a bad horror movie. He repeatedly repackages his failed Keynesian economic policies into the next “big” jobs program. In response, our economy crumbles around us. President Obama is clearly trapped in the Keynesian Twilight Zone.

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Amilya Antonetti’s (Chairman and CEO at AMA Productions) epic rant on the politicians who’ve gotten the United States into the economic mess we’re now in.

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With the economy in a mess you can sing along with this catchy tune.

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Sarah Palin told Sean Hannity tonight, “Heck if we were real terrorists Barack Obama would want to pal around with us.”

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NewsBusters Interview: UCLA\’s Tim Groseclose on \’How Liberal Media Bias Distorts the American Mind\’.

I’m quite sure there a committee at UCLA manufacturing grounds to revoke his tenure.

The Book:
Left Turn: How Liberal Media Bias Distorts the American Mind at Amazon

Left Turn: How Liberal Media Bias Distorts the American Mind
at Barnes & Noble

We’re told Barack Obama’s history and character are somehow off-limits. But personal history makes character, and the character of the President of the United States is something we have a right to be interested in.

In Part 1 of this meticulously researched and and sourced series, Bill Whittle examines both the Dunhams and the Obamas — each steeped in Marxism and anti-Americansm and each a long, long way away from mainstream American culture.

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The one fact she didn’t report is that 40% of tax filers have a negative effective tax rate. The are the winner of the income tax shell game in that they get “refunds” for more than they paid.

When will we start to insist that they have, “skin in te game?

Bring on the Fair Tax!

BTW, the VAT Tax should be called the IRS expansion and Full Employment Guarantee Act and only adds another layer of taxation, where the Fair Tax consolidates all the Federal Tax Schemes.

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From Newsweak (sic) April, 28, 1975

Click here for your full size pdf.

With the economy sliding deeper into a recession, panelists discuss whether it’s time to stop throwing our money into a massive pit out in the desert.

It would actually help if they did burn it instead of burning through it.. Not to worry, though. The Fed can create much more with just a few keystrokes. And of course the Treasury’s printing presses are running overtime. With enough inflation our debt will disappear, just ask Zimbabwe. They replaced the Rhodesian Dollar (which had a 1:1 exchange rate with US dollars in the mid ’70s, I know, I was there) on a one to one basis in 1980. When they finally got out of the money printing business they were printing Z$100 Trillion bills. On 8 November 2008 one of those bills was “officially” worth $147.50. Note that our debt is all in US dollars, does that give you any ideas? Can we /should we inflate our way out of debt? By the way, now in Zimbabwe they use a “basket of currencies” (sound familiar?) that includes the US dollar, South African Rand, Botswana Pula and the Pound Sterling. I wonder what our “basket” will consist of?

Courtesy of Onion News Network

Cal Thomas was at the DC premiere as well. Here is his review.

Twenty-nine years after her death, novelist Ayn Rand is coming to a theater near you. After many failed attempts, her 1957 novel “Atlas Shrugged” has been made into a film.

In an age when overspending, overreaching, higher-taxing and overregulating government increasingly strangles the private sector, robbing us of our liberties and transforming the country into the model of a socialist state, Rand’s story reminds us how far ahead of her time she was and just how dangerous a time we live in now.

At least one member of Congress has recognized Rand’s intuitiveness. Rep. Paul Ryan, the author of the Republican budget proposal, reportedly directed his staff to read “Atlas Shrugged” back in 2010. Ryan, writes Christopher Beam of New York magazine, even credits Rand as “the reason I got involved in public service.”

“Atlas Shrugged” is a novel, but its plot is anything but fiction. In it, successful businesswoman, Dagny Taggart, the head of one of the largest railroad companies in America, struggles to keep her company alive in challenging economic times. Searching for innovative ways to stay afloat, she teams with steel magnate Hank Rearden, the developer of an innovative metal alloy, thought to be the strongest metal in the world. Success seems assured. Then the federal government steps in. The government proclaims the Taggart-Rearden partnership “unfair” to other steel producers and passes a law regulating how many businesses an individual can own. The law is euphemistically titled the “Equalization of Opportunity” bill.

If the language and scenario sound contemporary, they should. President Obama, who plays at cutting spending and wants to raise taxes, is the embodiment of the philosophy about which Ayn Rand warned. Just how smooth Obama is at this was even noticed by the Associated Press, which tends not to think in such cynical terms when it comes to the administration. In a headline about the negotiations that supposedly led to $38 billion in spending cuts, the AP wrote: “Budget Tricks Helped Obama Save Favorite Programs From Cuts.”

“Atlas Shrugged” is about those who would penalize individual achievement and subsidize “the collective.” It is the embodiment of Karl Marx’s philosophy, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” To put it another way, the collective believes that if you earn $2 dollars and I make $1 dollar, you owe me 50 cents to make things “fair.” This is redistributionist or, to paraphrase the president, “spreading the wealth around.”

I’m convinced Barney Frank IS Wesley Mouch.