Archive for the ‘busybodies’ Category

We see the results of our oikophobic chief executive’s “shared dream” as Hollande has France circling the drain. Of course it may be the point, after all you need almost (if not total) dictatorial power in order to force people to submit in order to survive. N’est ce pas?

From RT, the Russian 24/7 English Language News Channel (They know a thing or two about collectivism)

As if the French President didn’t have enough on his mind this week over his alleged affair with an actress. There are domestic problems of a more official nature he’s got to answer for, if he’s to keep his new year’s resolution to revive the country’s debt-heavy, sluggish economy.

via Too Little Too Late? Hollande U-turns as France pays heavy price for sky-high taxes – YouTube.

You will be shocked to know what colleges are censoring on campus. First Amendment expert Greg Lukianoff from talks to Glenn Reynolds about efforts by colleges and universities to kill free speech. Hear what happened when a University of Wisconsin Stout professor put a poster on his door with a quote from the TV show Firefly.

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The Progressive Nightmare & The Conservative Solution

Posted: August 20, 2011 in 2012, 2nd amendment, 4th Amendment, academics, administration, agenda, agents, airport, arguing with idiots, audit the Fed, austrian, bankrupting america, banning american flag, Barack Obama, Barney Frank, bearded marxist, bernanke, Bernie Madow, Big Ed, big government, bondholder ripoff, Border Patrol, broke usa, budget, busybodies, cap and tax, carbon trading, climaquiddick, climategate, Cloward Pivens, congress, conservatism, conservative, conservatives, constitution, corruption, currency devaluations, DEA, debt, decision points, declaration of independence, deficit, deficits, democrat, democratic, democrats, dhimmicretins, Drug War, easing, east anglia, economic, economic liberty, economics, economy, education reform, election, elite, elitism, elitist, employment, entitlement, environmentalism, ethnic, euro, european monetary union, F. A. Hayek, federal healthcare, federal reserve, federalist papers, firearms, freedom, friedman, general electric, gerrymandering, global warming, government motors, government spending, guantitative easing, gun control, Herman Cain, homeland security, idiots, illegal immigration, international debt, international economics, international monetary fund, ipcc, job killer, John Keynes, JournoList, justice department, justice fraud, Lame-Stream Media, left, leftist, liberal, liberal gene, liberals, libertarian, libertarianism, liberty, lies, looters, Media Malpractice, Michelle Bachmann, Mitt Romney, monetary policy, moochers, nanny state, napolitano, natural law, Neo-Libertarian, Newt Gingrich, Obama, Politically incorrect, propaganda, rational basis test, reason, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, Sarah Palin, Tim Pawlenty, weapons, Wesley Mouch, Zimbabwe School of Economics

The Progressive Nightmare

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The Conservative Solution

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Michelle Obama hopes to curb childhood obesity by teaching children about nutrition and exercise. “There’s no expert on this planet who says that the government telling people what to do actually does any good with this issue,” she says.

But local government officials around the country have already adopted a more forceful tact, whether it’s New York’s salt assault, San Francisco’s frown at Happy Meals or, most recently, South LA’s all-out ban on new fast-food restaurants. spoke with Los Angeles City Councilman Bernard Parks, one of the nanny-state control freaks behind the ban, who argues that “in order to force choice into the market, we have to limit one that is overconcentrated and attract others that provide other options.”

Reason Magazine editor in chief Matt Welch is skeptical of “the idea that you can create more choices by reducing choices,” and fitness consultant and documentary filmmaker Chazz Weaver—who ate McDonald’s for 30 days and lost body fat—points out that consumers can eat fast food in moderation and still stay healthy. also spoke with the co-owner of The Burger Stand in South Los Angeles about why he thinks that banning new fast-food restaurants is bad for business and bad for his community.

I have been wondering about the seemingly incoherent policies propagating out of the District of Corruption and trying to develop a model of thinking and goals that would be consistent with the insanity. I have had to abandon any thought of citizen or taxpayer well-being or maintenance of American exceptionalism in order to come up with a somewhat consistent model.

The District of Corruption has become, in essence, a wholesale club sized Faculty Lounge that has developed a plan to run the country as a university focused on the welfare of the faculty over the students or the payers of the tuition.

First is the plan to get out of debt seems to be Quantitative Easing III, IV, V, VI, and however many more it takes to make all those outstanding Treasury Bills (and their interest obligations) worthless. The fact that it will impoverish the American citizenry is as Microsoft used to say, “not a bug, but a feature.” It will wipe out the rich as well as the successful and the thrifty, thus putting all citizens’ welfare in the hands of those best qualified to judge a persons worth (no not the free market, that is seen as cruel, unfair and idiotic to the insufficiently rewarded, it must be those with the wisdom of Solomon, the Tenured).

This destruction of the dollar not only gets us out of debt while punishing those so rude to have been more successful in the free market than the new masters, but also sets the stage for the resurgence of America as a “properly structured society.” In other words the serfs need to acknowledge their proper place in the presence of their accredited and credentialed betters.

That brings us to the master stroke. In claiming that the oil companies get a “tax incentive” by writing off business expenses such as depreciation, exploration, and the cost of failed production attempts (things that legitimate costs of doing business in every other business, just bigger numbers in the oil business), the stage is set for the DOE to revoke all leases and nationalize the oil fields. After the dollar has been destroyed and whether the new currency that purchases oil is a “basket of currencies” or the PetroBuck® the wealth in the oil fields of what was previously called the United States will be more than enough to support the proletariat in their virtual slavery while the masters party like Nero. Issuing decrees as the Gods from Olympus (you have to “properly guide” those serfs, dontcha know?).

An admission that Obamacare is a step to a Government run (Single-payer) Healthcare system

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Sen. Paul questions the Department of Energy’s commitment to protecting consumer choice during consideration of Appliance/Light Bulb Energy-Efficiency Legislation.

I really would have liked to hear the Senator that was beginning to spear the Fed to the wall about the tenth amendment. Whe I find it, I’ll post it.

I couldn’t say it better, so read the whole thing here:

A Sample:

For a decade, from the election of Bush 43 forward, the Left has lied and cheated as it tried to return to power. Al Gore made a mockery out of the American electoral system by being a spoilsport over Florida, which Bush indeed won by 537 votes. Dan Rather forged a document to try to derail Bush’s re-election. Twice Democrats stole U.S. senators from the Republicans. After voting to support the war to get by the 2002 election, many Democrats quickly soured on the war. The profane protests were cheered by liberals who misattributed “dissent is the highest form of patriotism”to Thomas Jefferson; the words belong to the late historian Howard Zinn.

Once in power, liberals were the opposite of gracious.

For two years now, I have been called ignorant, racist, angry and violent by the left. The very foul-mouthed protesters of Bush dare to now label my words as “hate speech.”

Last week, the left quickly blamed the right for the national tragedy of a shooting spree by a madman who never watched Fox News, never listened to Rush Limbaugh and likely did not know who Sarah Palin is.

Fortunately, the American public rejected out of hand that idiotic notion that the right was responsible.

Rather than apologize, the left wants to change the tone of the political debate.

The left suddenly wants civil discourse.

Bite me.

The left wants to play games of semantics.

Bite me.

The left wants us to be civil — after being so uncivil for a decade.

Bite me.

From before Christmas, Stossel examines the giving profiles of the Americam people when it comes to their own money.

It’s not charity when someone takes money from you at the point of a gun to give to someone else.

The Robin Hood Legend (at least the original) was that Robin stole from the government (the ones that had taken the wealth from the poor) not the producers of wealth.

Two more parts to follow.

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They touch our lives in so many ways, and acknowledges those who tell us that if it looks good, tastes good, or feels good, it should be illegal.

Live (to tape) from the fourth floor of the Sepulveda Center in Los Angeles, California–it’s the 2010 Nanny of the Year Awards!

Over the past year, has recognized plenty of busybodies who relish minding other people’s business, but who deserves to succeed 2009’s winner (Meddlin’ Mike Bloomberg), and take home the 2010 Nanny? Will it be the heartland mayor who sacked the Lingerie Football League? The Peach State pol who sued a man for growing a vegetable garden in his own yard? A member of the food police?

Remember, it’s a dishonor just to be nominated. So get your awards season started off right, and tune it to the only show that delivers busybodies, babes, and bacon!

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